This game was made for day 3 of BlackThornProd's pass-the-game jam.

Day 1: Pass The Game Challenge Files by lizardman06 -

Day 2: Pass The Game Challenge Files by RhinoBirdStudios

Focussed alot on Sound and Effects (like a thunder system) ,and  also added a losing parameter and a score parameter that goes up if you collect things.


The player can move left/right with A/D or arrow keys.

The player jumps when SPACE is pressed.

The player sinks when SHIFT is held, which can be used to sink/dive or jump out of the water again.

To open files: Download the project files zip. Unzip into a blank folder or empty 2dURP project, then open with the Unity hub. The scene that is used in the preview above can be found in assets.



Download 6 MB


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I really like the rain addition!


Wow very impressive! Thank you for your submission this is kindof what I wanted it to turn into. Thank you again!

(2 edits)

It could be just me, but I don't think the player inputs are working quite right. I can't seem to do anything, which is a shame because the rain is beautiful and the opening music is amazing!\

Edit 1: NEVERMIND I got it to work. Playing it now!! :D

Edit 2: I actually think its a collider issue. I'm getting stuck on the first platform.